Does your B2B business need a content marketing strategy?

“What should I blog about today...?”

Ahhhh, an elusive question all marketers have grappled with at one point or another…

If you’ve ever found yourself asking that question, or just generally feeling like you know you need to create content but don’t know what to create, it’s probably because you need a Content Marketing Strategy.

“WTF is a content strategy?” Well...

What is a content strategy?

Simply put, a content marketing strategy is:

  • A roadmap for creating, publishing, and managing content that drives business goals

  • A means to understand your audience, how to talk to them (format), and where (channel)

  • A way to ensure your content is purposeful, consistent, and aligned with your brand voice

  • A plan for delivering value to your audience, building trust, and nurturing relationships

Why you need a content strategy in B2B

  1. It increases your visibility — So you can be noticed by the right people, at the right time, on the right platforms. Who else is going to talk about you, but you?!

  2. It gives you authority — Meaning—people will trust what you have to say when you take the time to build credibility with valuable, relevant content.

  3. It helps create brand loyalty — Because content that meets the needs and interests of your audience keeps them coming back for more.

  4. It supports your business goals — Your sales team will love it. Align your content with your sales objectives to drive measurable results.

  5. It makes creating content easy — You’re going to create content anyway. You may as well save time and resources with a focused approach to planning and production.

  6. It can boost your SEO — There’s no denying that we allll want to improve search engine rankings with optimized content that attracts and retains visitors.

B2B content marketing examples we looove

1) HubSpot's content hubs

When it comes to B2B content marketing that delivers value, HubSpot takes the cake. Their content hubs—whether it’s for marketing, sales, or customer service—are designed to educate their audiences (with truly useful info—trust me, I use it all the time).

HubSpot creates detailed how-to guides, webinars, and downloadable templates that keep pros (like me) coming back for more. This not only positions them as a go-to resource but also sneakily name-drops their product offerings into content, encouraging lead generation without feeling pushy.

Why we looove it: HubSpot knows how to walk the fine line between educational and promotional content, giving their audience useful, actionable resources while subtly earning their trust. It’s a masterclass in content with purpose.

2. Slack's storytelling with a twist

Slack’s case studies are a stellar example of B2B storytelling done well. They don’t just highlight dry facts and snore stats—they weave compelling narratives around how companies like Mixology, Crumbl, and Canva use their platform. By focusing on the challenges these companies faced and how Slack helped them overcome these obstacles, each case study reads more like a success story than a sales pitch.

Why we looove it: Slack turns what could have been a typical case study into an engaging story. AND, like we love to do at Edelweiss, they take a journalistic approach to their stories—interviewing the customer to make them the hero of the narrative. It’s relatable, memorable, and most importantly, it puts the customer at the centre (like they alwayssss should be).

3. Salesforce's "State of Marketing" report

Another example of B2B content marketing done right is Salesforce’s annual "State of Marketing" report. This in-depth report compiles data and insights from thousands of marketers worldwide for a comprehensive look at current trends and future forecasts. This is just a smart move on their part, because marketers are their audience, and having rich research and data presented in a digestible way is everything we marketers love. So, they’re not only delivering free value to their current customers—they’re also bringing thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, of new marketers into their ecosystem. And you could do that too.

Why we looove it: Salesforce provides incredible value through this type of authoritative content. They take a leadership role in their industry by creating a data-rich resource that professionals turn to and look forward to, year after year.

“But where do I even start with a B2B content marketing strategy?”

I’m so glad you asked! As always, it begins with your audience—knowing who they are, what they value, where they have pain points, and how you can help alleviate those with your solution. Then, it’s all about creating content to aid that journey and help them realize they may just need you, all on their own. But if that still feels unclear… I’ve got you covered. Check out my Content Marketing Strategy Workshop as a start.


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